May 13th, you know you have been waiting for it; time for some Perry Puns

Today was a travel day as we moved from Illinois into Iowa.

You probably would not have guessed this to be the case, but there is a winery in Iowa, near Cedar Rapids called Cedar Ridge Winery and Distillery. We stopped and enjoyed a great lunch, and some interesting wines. I ended up buying two bottles of Apple Wine, just because, and Perry purchased a single malt corn bourbon that he deemed pretty darn good.

No, not that wine, but I just love Moira Rose.

Here we are with our wine goggles on:

Cedar Ridge Winery features many fruit wines as well as distilled spirits.

Oh, a funny story from today. When we were in Nashville we had gone to Perry’s Steakhouse and had a great dinner. But despite my communications with social media at the company (and they are a big restaurant chain and things fall through the cracks), we never heard from the local restaurant’s managers and nobody knew the story of our trip when we arrived. Today I got a call from another person in social media for the company who explained that somehow the date of our reservation was not translated correctly, and they had a party another night with the last name Perry. And they gave them the royal treatment! So here’s to you, Perry family who got a special night at a great restaurant. I hope it was everything we dreamed of!

Now here is something fun, I hope: When we were on our plane flight to Orlando we amused ourselves by making Perry puns. What is a Perry pun, you might ask? A-pear-antly you have not thought about it. Take a word that contains per, or peer, or pare, or par, and substitute pear in it. So I have a huge list of words that contain that root. 

Now for the fun part, take at least twenty of these words and create a somewhat sensible paragraph and submit it here in the comments. Perry and I will pick our three favorites and when we get home will mail or deliver to you a cap or a t-shirt with our logo on it. I have size S- 2XL t-shirts and caps that fit most.

Perry Puns
Au Perr
Des perr
Ex Perr iment
Ex perrt
Per fect
Peregrine falcon
Perr a phrase
Perr Agon
Perr alyzed
Perr asite
Perr don me
Perr fect
Perr for the course
Perr ing knife
Perr iod
Perr miate
Perr mission
Perr plexing
Perr son
Perry dice
Perry normal
Perry phenalia
Perry shoot or chute
Perry stalsis
Semper Fidelis
Su perrior
Have fun with these puns!

If you want to add more of your own Perry puns to your Perr-agraph, please feel free.

Please submit by Wed. May 19th at 12 a.m. p.s.t. Winners will be notified in the blog and prizes shipped around May 26th.#puns

Thanks, and tomorrow I will be posting again about more travels and less silliness.


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11 thoughts on “May 13th, you know you have been waiting for it; time for some Perry Puns

  1. Excited to read and hear about you coming to Perry Ks. I am from Lecompton which is right nect to Perry and we have a beautiful outdoor historic art mural we would love to have you visit while you are here. Located at 620 E Woodson it is about 90 percent complete and totally stunning to view. It will be dedicated on June 12 2021. Enjoy your trip to one of our favorite towns Perry Ks and we hope you can work in a stop with us as well. We also have a very nice winery called Empty Nesters Winery

    1. Hi Greg-
      Yes, we will be in Perry KS in a few days, and will check out the mural in LeCompton too for sure. And the winery looks really charming. Thanks so much for your comments. Now I am thinking about another road trip, going to wineries off the beaten path. Thanks for reading our blog. LeCompton sounds charming, with a lot of important history attached. I love the pride you have in your community. That really embodies what the trip has taught us.

      1. Lecompton is a very charming town in Kansas voted as one of the best small towns in Kansas. Also very rich in history with museums and Constitution Hall a national landmark. More info avail at Historic Lecompton Ks. Hope you have a great trip to Kansas and if i can be of any assistance to you while you are here please let me know. Would love to meet you both.

  2. Fixing grammar error

    Let me tell you a story or rather per-aphrase a story since this beer is rather full and I’d like to drink it today. A-Perr-antly the good folks Perry, California lost some perry-phenalia, which put them in a state of Perry stalsis. Everyone was quite per-plexed. Suddenly, Pericles jumped out of a portal at a per-pendicular angle, which seemed Perr for the course for today. With as-per-ations of grandeur, Pericles made a grand speech and then called upon a Peregrine Falcon to complete his epic ensemble. The people, being hard-working salt-of-the-earth type folk, clearly were not impressed and threw per-snips at him. Being per-sonally perturbed, Pericles sauntered off yelling Semper Perdelis. Whis-pers of his journey, including his supposed many per-ils still are spoken about in song. Per-haps they are true; that’s for someone more im-per-tial like a para-legal to decide. The perry-phenalia was never found; it’s hard to even know what it might have been to be honest. You’ll have to perr-don me, this story kind of sucks in hindsight. My ability to tell stories seems to be rather im-perred.

  3. Even though the cute little face of Baby Cooper *Copper* looks like he is constipated, his *diaperr* is actually extremely full. The former *paralegal* *Au Perr* from the galaxy far, far away, who *aspired* to be an iconic pop star who sings *Purple* Rain with a little bit of *temper*, *whispered* to Baby Cooper *Copper*’s little ears, “my *perr fect* little one, do you need to poop? Don’t be afraid and don’t be *perr alyzed* by it. I *personally* think you need to just *persue* it and let it out.”
    Immediately, as if he understood the *Au Perr*, little Cooper *Copper*’s *supper* *perry chuted” out of his system. The *Au Perr* screamed because she had never seen an explosion as such. She is both *perplexed* and *perturbed*.
    “Brittany, is everything okay?” Mrs. *Cooper* asked. Brittany *Spear* from the galaxy from far far away responded, “Mrs. *Cooper*, I need your *perr mission* to take a day off.” It was the last draw for her. “I didn’t travel across the galaxy to do this,” she thought to herself, “I have to quit now or never!” From the *Copper*’s house, she teleported to Nashville via Lake *Superior* in a *Perry nomal*-like fashion for the pursuit of her happiness.

  4. One day, Perydactly and Peripper decided to go to the castle to challenge the king for the throne. “WhoaBro, I’m the true Kingler!” said Perydactyl.

    “Aw Shuckles” cried Peripper “Perydactyl, I’m perrytrified!”

    And with a wave of his Lanturn, the king started Koffing, and mumbled “Staryu, Starme, Be gone, or I’ll bring in Perrygon and Perrytoed!”

    Overcome, Perydactyl and Peripper turned and fled….

  5. One particularly* fine day, a dapper* perry* was eating persimmons* with a perturbed * parsnickety* personality * of a trapper * who had a semper Fidelis* tattoo on the perch * of his arm. He had been personally * picked to permeate* a Perry normal * phenomenon, located perpendicular * to Pepper * Aperture *.

    Upon landing with his purple Perry chute *, he saw a perplexing* person*pick some purple* pearls* and flapper* away. He pursued* the thief and using a Perring* knife, Paralyzed * the perr- ticular * person*who was now paraplegic*

    With aspirations* of being a superior* and perfect* superhero *, he parted the bushes and pursued the thief.

    Aperrantly, *, it was a dapper* peregrine falcon, now paraplegic.. eating his parboiled parsnips .

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